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Employee Testimonials

Teresa Stayer, Chancellor and Executive Assistant to Bishop Mark

Q: Please, can you Introduce yourself, your role, and tell us how long you have been working at the Diocese?
A: My name is Teresa Stayer – I am the Chancellor and Executive Assistant to Bishop Mark Bartchak. I have been employed by the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown since 1987.
Q: What is the best thing about working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown?
A: The best thing about working for the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown is that although there is a clear expectation of presence and work commitment, there is also a keen awareness of faith and family. Our ability to take part is so many liturgical events throughout the year is a great example of this benefit.
Q: What advice would you give to new hires?
A: If you are a new hire within the Diocese, I would simply say that even though it may seem overwhelming, please feel free to ask questions! I welcome the opportunity to share institutional knowledge with new employees. Takes time to learn the parishes and priests and to become familiar with the environment within the Pastoral Center.
Q: What makes the Diocesan culture a great place to work?
A: The culture of working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown has mostly been one of a team. Each of us has our own responsibilities and work that pertains to our offices individually but when the need arises, colleagues will come together for a cause.

Suzanne Barry, Receptionist

Q: Please, can you Introduce yourself, your role, and tell us how long you have been working at the Diocese?
A: My name is Suzanne. I am the Receptionist and have worked here for 5 years.
Q: What is the best thing about working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown?
A: Being part of doing God’s work, I enjoy assisting my coworkers and everyone I speak to over the phone. 
Q: What advice would you give to new hires?
A: Make yourself comfortable. Do your best. If you need anything, just ask.
Q: What makes the Diocesan culture a great place to work?
A: The people! Our staff works well together and are very supportive of one another.

Jeff Maucieri, Principal of Saint Benedict Catholic School

Q: Please, can you Introduce yourself, your role, and tell us how long you have been working at the Diocese?
A: My name is Jeff Maucieri. I am Principal of Saint Benedict Catholic School, Carrolltown.
Q: What is the best thing about working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown?
A: The best thing working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown is the people. Whether it’s here at my building or at the Diocese, everyone seems like family. Everyone pulls together and gets things accomplished. To work in a Christ center environment is totally awesome. To be able to pray every day when I come to work, during work, and leaving work is just something really special and uplifting.
Q: What advice would you give to new hires?
A: Make everyday count. Jesus is with you, beside you in everything you do. Take one day at a time. Seek help from others with experience and that will help you succeed as you begin your journey here at the Diocese.
Q: What makes the Diocesan culture a great place to work?
A: Having a Christ based environment makes my job, as stressful as it can be at times, incredibly satisfying. Having the flexibility with family always being first, makes the Diocese a very special place to work. Everyone cares about each other, even working in a building 40 miles away from the Diocesan office, everyone is close. In the 26 years that I have been employed, I never felt alone in the workplace. The Education Office is exceptional with making sure, everyone is included in everything that is happening around the Diocese and the with the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education.

Jill Harris, Principal of Saint Peter School

Q: Please, can you Introduce yourself, your role, and tell us how long you have been working at the Diocese?
A: My name is Jill Harrs and I am the principal at St. Peter School in Somerset. I have been the principal for 17 years. I am an alumni of the school as are my three grown daughters.
Q: What is the best thing about working at the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown?
A: Working in my school and parish community has been a source of great joy to work with people and serve families who have a heart for their faith and Catholic education and to play a role in the lives of their children each day. Working for the diocese has allowed me to witness how God works not only in my school but in the hearts of other educators and administrators from across a vast area. We are a small parish school in the southern outpost of the Diocese but working with the other principals – current and past – has given me a sense of belonging, of shared mission and support. We are made for community and I appreciate how the Education Office and the other administrators I am blessed to work alongside have given me just that.
Q: What advice would you give to new hires?
A: I think I would first tell them to breathe! Listen closely to the stories and experiences that surround you wherever your ministry is. If they are a new principal, I would tell them to keep a sense of humor, look for the many moments of grace that God will surely send your way even in the midst of great overwhelm and worry. And while our work is based in ministry, it is indeed work and God wants all of His servants to have a good balance, to rest and let Him lead the way.
Q: What makes the Diocesan culture a great place to work?
A: Anytime your work can be centered around your faith, it is a gift. Sometimes those things are difficult to combine and there will be challenges but at the heart of all we do, we hope that we are furthering the Kingdom of God whether it is in Education, Human Resources, Finance or IT. There is comfort in knowing you work with and for people with good, honest, fair-minded, prayerful and dedicated people of faith.
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